Harvest Monday October 23, 2023

It’s time once again for Harvest Monday, where we celebrate all things harvest related. The weather here has turned warm again, and the warm season veggies have responded by continuing to supply us with more harvests. I am surely happy to have tomatoes and eggplant this late in the season, and the peppers are an added bonus.

later October harvest

Benevento tomato is a red striped beefsteak type tomato that is a fairly new introduction from Artisan Seeds. It has extended shelf life both on the plant and after harvesting, and for me it has a great blend of sweet and acid flavors. It has done quite well this year, and both my wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed eating them.

Benevento tomato

I’ve gotten small harvests of our Thai Peppers all summer, but I plan on saving seeds from this batch of peppers. They are fiery hot, but after drying a little goes a long way to add heat to a dish. I got the seed from the instructor at a cooking class we took over 10 years ago. She was giving away seeds from her favorite Thai pepper, and I took some and have been growing them ever since.

Thai Bird peppers

And speaking of free seeds, I got a free packet of El Oro Ecuador peppers last year along with an order from Refining Fire Chiles. These are a C. baccatum variety with mild to medium heat that turn yellow-orange when ripe. It’s my second year growing them, though I didn’t get many last year and haven’t gotten very many so far this year. They are mild though, and I was able to eat one seeds and all without having to reach for the fire extinguisher!  There are plenty of green peppers still on the plant and I hope more will ripen before freezing weather arrives.

El Oro Ecuador peppers

The persimmons are slowly ripening, and I managed to climb a bit and pick another one last week. They do have seeds, but the taste is sweet and I am looking forward to getting enough of them later on to make persimmon cookies or bread.

Nikita’s Gift persimmon

Harvest Monday is a day to show off your harvests, how you are saving your harvest, or how you are using your harvest. If you have a harvest you want to share, add your name and blog link to Mr Linky below. And please check out what everyone is harvesting!

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2 Responses to Harvest Monday October 23, 2023

  1. Will - EightGateFarmNH says:

    What a lovely late October harvest photo! It looks like it’s still September. And thanks for the link to Refining Fire Chiles…I’m going to browse their selection. I’ve grown the tiny Thai chiles in the past, but just never found much usefulness in them. Glad that you are a fan.

  2. Susan Garrett says:

    We have picked our last tomatoes. From now on, sadly, it will be the shop bought balls of water!
    The mild pepper would suit us.
    We once stayed in a cottahe on France that had a persimmon tree. The blackbirds loved the fruit. Unfortunately, when we were there, the fruits weren’t ripe.
    For some reason it still will only allow me to comment if I login with my Facebook account

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