Harvest Monday September 11, 2023

It’s time once again for Harvest Monday, where we celebrate all things harvest related. Last week’s harvests featured tomatoes, beans and hot peppers plus one lone eggplant. It’s been a good year here for tomatoes, and we have been enjoying them every way possible. We did another taste-test of three of the slicing tomatoes last week, all three of which are on my favorites list.

September tomato harvest

It’s my third year growing the striped beefsteak tomato Benevento, an Artisan Seeds introduction. I think it has great flavor and as a bonus it has an extended shelf life both on and off the vine. Apparently the birdies like it too, since a couple of fruits in this harvest seemed to have been pecked on. I cut around any bad spots and ate the rest of the tomato, since I am not one to waste food – especially a good tasting tomato!

Benevento tomato

My wife and I did a tasting one day for lunch that included Purple Zebra, Garden Treasure and Benevento. The Garden Treasure remains her favorite, but I could happily eat any one (or all) of the three every day during tomato season.

tasting Purple Zebra, Garden Treasure and Benevento tomatoes

It’s been a bust so far for the sweet peppers, but the hot ones are ripening now. I got enough jalapenos to start another batch of hot sauce, and this lot included Lemon Spice, Pumpkin Spice, Emerald Fire and Early Flame. I also brought in Aji Rico, Aji Delight and Sugar Rush Peach along with an assortment of pole beans.

hot peppers and beans

I’m growing Emerald Fire and Early Flame jalapenos again this year, and I can usually count on them to make lots of medium hot peppers. I also got more of the Pot-a-peno and San Joaquin jalapenos last week from container grown plants.

Emerald Fire(L) and Early Flame(R) jalapeno peppers

I wear gloves when handling hot peppers, and generally remove the seeds before adding salt to start the fermentation process. The whole process is described here in Fermented Pepper Mash. I will likely let this batch ferment for about a week before turning into a thin, Tabasco style hot sauce.

peppers for fermenting

I’m planning to pickle the Aji Delight peppers, and use the Aji Rico and Sugar Rush Peach peppers to make hot sauce.

Aji Rico(L) and Aji Delight(R) peppers

The weeds have taken over much of the Wild Garden ever since I got sick with pneumonia, but the hardy hibiscus are rising above the mess and still blooming.

Hardy Hibiscus

This spring we set out a Clematis vine near our front porch, and it has really taken off. It is doing well for the first year, and it should be a good addition to our lineup of perennial flowers and shrubs.

Clematis blooms

Harvest Monday is a day to show off your harvests, how you are saving your harvest, or how you are using your harvest. If you have a harvest you want to share, add your name and blog link to Mr Linky below. And please check out what everyone is harvesting!



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4 Responses to Harvest Monday September 11, 2023

  1. Sue Garrett says:

    Weeds and grass have certainly enjoyed the wet summer. Our peppers have struggled this year – not enough sunshine and warmth even in the greenhouse. We have an hibiscus at the allotment but ours is white with a maroon centre.

  2. Will - EightGateFarmNH says:

    I guess I wasn’t aware you grow so many types of jalapenos. That’s pretty cool. I tend to use them only for fresh eating, at the green stage. The Benevento tomato is very pretty, and I’m glad its taste lives up to its appearance.

  3. What a lovely clematis. I grew them in Massachusetts. So many tomatoes. It does seem that we all have one crop (sweet peppers for you?) that don’t do so well. Keeps us on our toes trying to figure out what went arwy.

  4. It’s cold here now, so the summer fruits are coming to their natural end. I’m happily looking forward to planting all of the winter veggies!

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