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Homemade: Whole-Grain Mustard

I’ve made several different batches of this Whole-Grain Mustard. Today I’ll share two slightly different variations, and hopefully that will give you the basics for coming up with your own version. The first step in both is to soak the seeds in liquid overnight or at least for 8 hours. That softens up the seeds and makes them easier to process.

After soaking, you can use either a food processor or blender to grind up the seeds. I find that the food processor makes for a grainier product, while the blender grinds the seeds to a finer consistency. It all depend on your own preference. You might make one batch each way and decide which way your prefer. I like it both ways! A stick blender also works well for this recipe, and I think it makes for easy cleanup.

The final thing you need to do is age the mustard. Right after processing, it will still be rather harsh and bitter tasting, but aging will mellow it considerably and allow the flavors to meld together. Mustards that are made with whole seeds instead of powder are milder to start with, so age this whole-grain mustard for a few days at room temperature or slightly cooler. If you like your mustard hot, it may be ready in a matter of hours. Taste occasionally, and refrigerate when it has reached the desired level of pungency. Homemade mustard also makes a great gift, so have some fun and experiment with your own mustard creations.

Basic Whole-Grain Mustard

1/4 cup brown mustard seeds
1/4 cup yellow mustard seeds
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/2 tsp sea salt
additional water or vinegar as needed to thin to desired consistency

Soak mustard seeds in vinegar and water overnight, or at least 8 hours. Be sure and use a non-reactive glass, plastic or stainless steel bowl. After soaking, add any additional ingredients and grind mixture using food processor or blender, adding water and/or vinegar if necessary until desired consistency is reached. Cover and let age for a few days or longer. Refrigerate and use within 6 months.

YIELDS: about 1-1/2 cups

Spicy Whole-Grain Mustard

1/4 cup brown mustard seeds
1/2 cup yellow mustard seeds
1/4 cup cider vinegar
3/4 cup water
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tsp honey
dash of ground cloves
dash of ground allspice
hot paprika or cayenne pepper (to taste)
additional water or vinegar as needed to thin to desired consistency

process same as for Basic Whole-Grain Mustard

YIELDS: about 1-1/2 cups